Chengzhong Wu

Results 207 comments of Chengzhong Wu

```Makefile CC='g++' test: ${CC} ``` Tested on latest bake(v0.6.1) the variable was not been populated in bash environment with above Bakefile. Anyway it could be done with: ```Makefile test:...

Do you mean make the release an one HTML document? It might be possible I think. Though I don't think this would be necessary.

Marking this as blocked since it depends on Please feel free to unmark it.

This doesn't change any requirement that is significant so I'm requesting fast-tracks on it.

> Initial read through is good. It would be helpful to have a better picture of what the additional coming changes will be. Specifically, how is this going to impact...

Rebased with conflicts resolved and suggestions applied. Please take a look again :)

@jasnell @joyeecheung would you mind taking a look again? Thank you!

Backport to v18.x depends on

As discussed in the last node-api meeting, it would be worth exploring the possibility of introducing behavior flags to the initialization of an addon to invoke the finalizers in a...

We're missing a test case that `napi_remove_wrap` a wrapped value, while simultaneously deleting the in-out param ref of `napi_wrap` with `napi_delete_reference`. I'll submit a PR for that.