Lee Robinson

Results 216 comments of Lee Robinson

@silentlight could you clarify the intent of the example? @awareness481 looking at the code, it doesn't seem like it's set up for that, but I could be missing something.

Just want to follow up here and say an example for how to use i18n with the `app` directory is planned, we just haven't made it yet! > We will...

@captbaritone it’s listed here for stable pages/ https://nextjs.org/docs/upgrading#v13-summary. Note that the app/ dir is still in beta.

We probably need more generic documentation for the general handling of Markdown. The reason MDX Is featured here is that we have a first-party integration/plugin.

I think we can remove them in favor of the custom server example πŸ‘

Hey! We aren't looking to make a recommendation here for everyone on whether to use this. If you love it and it's working well, that's great πŸ˜„

Just updated the docs - you should only use `head` special file instead of putting `` tags in the root layout: ```jsx // app/head.js export default async function Head() {...

Just added a few notes about this workaround to the beta docs as well, thank you!

Good news! Zero-configuration support for deploying Hydrogen on Vercel [has just landed](https://twitter.com/vercel_changes/status/1545515100097970176) πŸŽ‰