Lee Robinson

Results 216 comments of Lee Robinson

Closing as stale πŸ‘

Thank you! P.S. I just went ahead and updated all the dependencies in this repo πŸ‘

> Still the same problem with next 12.0.1 very slow in dev when getStaticPaths is used in a page. Did you see [this comment](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/13751#issuecomment-810755748)? If you're seeing slow on-demand compilation...

Is the issue from `Item`? I believe it was working when I tested. Any more information?

Related example: https://github.com/vercel/turborepo/tree/main/examples/with-prisma

Hey folks! I would recommend not using this just yet while we work on moving toward the [Layouts RFC](https://nextjs.org/blog/layouts-rfc), which uses Server Components by default.

I don't believe the Notion API supports enough block types to match the other CMS examples, right? (e.g. no support for images yet) πŸ™

Indeed, I love Notion, but I can't really recommend it for a full-featured blog just yet. Very soon hopefully πŸ˜„

We're exploring options for where to take `next/image` based on community feedback and will have something to share in the next few months.

@awareness481 could you expand on why? @guillaumegaluz note that’s for the cryptography web APIs, which are related, but not exactly the same 😁