Lee Robinson

Results 216 comments of Lee Robinson

We brought back the nav when refactoring 😄 https://next-rsc-hn.vercel.app/

This is now supported: https://github.com/vercel/next-react-server-components/blob/main/app/item/page.js#L9-L12 https://beta.nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/file-conventions/page

This should be resolved, but please let me know if you see it not working 😄

Gonna close this as stale (since there's now merge conflicts after the refactor). Let me know if this is still something we want to do!

Hey all! `next export` support is planned for the `app` directory, but is not implemented. We won't be adding `next export` to this demo specifically, but will be talking more...

There's a new design in https://github.com/leerob/leerob.io/pull/564 – I might revisit adding this. Thank you anyway, super appreciate it 🙏

FYI I'm moving back to local MDX with Contentlayer (what I had before) in my new version of the site. Sanity is still cool! But using Markdown is just easier...

^ If you want to keep using Sanity, go for it! I just wanted to use local Markdown again.

I ended up removing ImageWithTheme in https://github.com/leerob/leerob.io/pull/564.
