Lee Chantrey
Lee Chantrey
Does the vistart start menu function as normal despite showing the error? Also when you open an app from the vistart start menu, does hte error then go away?
@GeorgeK1ng is this still open?
Which program is it that overlaps the bar? Can you provide a screenshot?
Hi cupcakeshappy. The bar should sit above full screen applications, it acts like a taskbar.
I don't have much free time to maintain these projects anymore. With the free time I do get I am focusing on cleaning up the code for the other ViApps...
The source code is here, you are welcome to read and compile it if you're worried about viruses. The latest release on GitHub is compiled against the code you see...
I have tried remaking the installer and compiling a new executable but it still gets detected as a virus. It is definitely a false positive.
Released inside a different installer, you can grab it from the site. It shouldn't flag as a virus this time