Lee Chantrey
Lee Chantrey
Galaxy S6. Android version: 6.0.1
I've disabled power saving for andlodine using the samsung "smart manager" but It didn't seem to help. The connection log disappears when it's disconnected but the app itself remains opened....
the problem seems to still be happening, i checked the log and found "no downstream data has been received for 60 seconds, shutting down". _opening a terminal and repeatedly pinging...
i've recoded the app to reconnect the VPN automatically (subject to 3G availability) when iodine times out, but i dont think this is the optimal solution. My phone is continuously...
Hi yvesf, what info do you require?
I have confirmed a few more things. Regardless of if I am actively using the phone or not the timeout still occurs and the VPN is automatically disconnected. Strangely some...
~~As I remember ViStart opens another executable to achieve file indexing. I think it's either another instance of itself or something in "plugins" folder.~~ ~~I'm wondering if the slave process...
@GeorgeK1ng is this still open?
@Sergiaws Are you trying to use ViStart on a tablet by any chance? What OS are you currently using.
fixed in windows-11 branch, requires testing