Lander Burgelman
Lander Burgelman
# Description Generalizes `inner(::MPO, ::MPS, ::MPO, ::MPS)` to no longer rely on any tag or prime level conventions. It is now only required that for `inner(A::MPO, x::MPS, B::MPO, y::MPS)`: -...
There is currently no way of specifying the element type when constructing an `ITensor` using the `state` interface, meaning that it needs to be converted manually after construction when creating...
It might be useful to add a dedicated `approximate(Ψ₀::AbstractMPS, Ψ::AbstractMPS, algorithm, [environments]; kwargs...)` method for a globally optimal truncation of a given MPS. It is mentioned in the [`changebonds` documentation](
`leading_boundary(ψ::MPSMultiline, O::MPOMultiline, alg::GradientGrassmann)` currently fails for non-trivial multiline MPOs. It seems the cost function definition for the multiline stat mech case is wrong, but it should be fairly straightforward to...
At some point I needed a routine to increase the degeneracies in a given space while preserving its sectors. The (seemingly) simplest way to do this fails for the `ComplexSpace`...
Define `broadcast` for `AbstractITensorNetwork` (subtypes).
What would be the desirable behavior for iterating over general `ITensorNetwork`s? In #18 I just defaulted to iterating over the `vertex_data` of the network, since currently concrete `AbstractITensorNetwork` subtypes only...
I encountered what I think is a pretty sneaky bug when assigning the result of a tensor contraction to an existing tensor used in the contraction: ```julia using LinearAlgebra using...