Legacy SQL is disabled for BigQuery hence it should not be used in the queries see: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/pontem/blob/015426e1ff5173843b4cf33237dc810b15956152/BigQueryWorkloadTester/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/pontem/benchmark/backends/BigQueryBackend.java#L96
Query files by design expect to contain 1 query per line as multiple queries (forming a workload) will usually be included in one file, the proposed change defeats the purpose...
This should be fixed by https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/pontem/pull/243
Add an extra tool / dashboard / etc that can parse the Workload's tester's results and convert them into more meaningful metrics There are a couple of ways to do...
As always I was wrong :) Travis still only supports 1 Travis file per 1 repo.
Query files by design expect to contain 1 query per line as multiple queries (forming a workload) will usually be included in one file, the proposed change defeats the purpose...