
Results 8 issues of LeeLee

Hi, I am using OpenMS component to analyze protein mass spectrometry, at some steps I always encounter the following report: `QIODevice::read (QNetworkReplyHttpImpl): device not open` For example in the IsobaricAnalyzer...


Hi, enrichplot developer. I'm having an issue with clusterProfiler enrichment analysis and visualising it using enrichplot, the dotplot only shows the most enriched one term and I'm not sure why...

- Describe the issue or question: I am using DIA_DIA-Umpire_SpecLib_Quant process to analyze the data, and I have only DIA and no DDA type in my data, and the following...

I run the software with the following parameters: `clear_quant -1 ~/biodata/hcc-ribo/rmrRNA/LC501_tumor_totalRNA.derrRNA.fq.gz -g ~/biodata/index/GRCh38/GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa -i ~/biodata/index/GRCh38/GRCh38 -j ~/biodata/index/GRCh38/GRCh38 -G ~/biodata/annotation/gencode.v35.annotation.sorted.gtf -o ~/tools/CLEAR-master/test2 -p 18` No error was reported during the process,...

Hi, I want to analyze the results of metaphlan using MicrobiotaProcess, below is my code: ``` mpse2

Hi, Thanks for the excellent work, I have some small questions about the files provided by the project,the link `https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11520552` doesn't seem to contain pre-trained models, at first I thought...

Hi, I want to use a special gtf file and want to process these files through `GTFupdate`, but I find that there will be some errors. The following is the...

Hi, Thanks for the tool, I have some problems while saving the image, below is my code: ``` pdf("cbn_electrontransport.pdf",width = 8,height = 6) bngeneplot(results = pwayGO,exp = cbnexp, # expSample...