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IJCAI2020 & IJCV2021 :city_sunrise: Unsupervised Scene Adaptation with Memory Regularization in vivo

Results 10 Seg-Uncertainty issues
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If I want to run the code without rectifying the pseudo label, I am confused that why in stage 2 the loss weight lambda-kl-target is set to 0? (From README)...

Thank you for sharing this code! I have a small question, when I run the train_ms_robot. py file, I always get an error, AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'sync_bn'.

Hello, could you maybe explain the difference between prediction variance and prediction Confidence? In the paper, Figure 5 visualizes both, but I'm not sure how do you calculate them. I...

Sorry to bother you, when I downloaded the SYNTHIA dataset and decompressed it. I found there was no folder with "ground truth"(GT). I want to know if someone else is...

Hi @layumi , I noticed that in your paper, the uncertainty is obtained by computing both MC-Dropout and difference between two classifiers, but I cannot find the code used for...

Hi, can you share the SYNTHIA to Cityscapes pre-trained model to replicate the results of the paper? Thank you for the great work!

How much performance will decrease if batchsize=1 is used in the first stage? thanks.

Hello~As we know, SYNTHIA dataset only share 16 classes with Cityscapes. So when training the model on the Synthia dataset, do I need to change the model classification layer to...

Thank you for sharing this wonderful code first! And I have a small question in discriminator.I find the adversarial loss of AdaptSegNet is very unstable because of the global alignment...