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Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]

Results 28 PinLayout issues
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Hi! Can I use some priorities or attach anchor of the view to more than one view? I have header with attaching in top of the base view, and grey...

This PR adds `isIncludedInPinLayoutSizeCalculation` property to `Layoutable`. This can be useful when calculating the size of a view that contains subviews that may disappear based on conditions after the initial...

When I am aligning items vertically or horizontally when wrapping the views to the next line, I want to add the separator line for rows, is there any way to...

I'm afraid that the issue is still happening. Firebase crashlytics is reporting that our app is crashing after PinLayout tries to call referenceSuperview and this method calls viewDescription. It seems...

Hi. My name is Verena Ebert, and I am a PhD student at the University of Stuttgart in Germany. A few months ago, I have examined 90 GitHub projects to...

Hi! Is it possible to align base line of two UILabels? In other words, is there an analog of UILabel.firstBaseLineAnchor?

### Description This PR aims to improve to improve the behaviour of methods like `below(of ...` or `above(of ...` allowing to pin the view to the _top/bottom_ of its superview....