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Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]

Results 28 PinLayout issues
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Let me start by saying that PinLayout is a fantastic framework, thanks for working so hard on it! Would it be possible to remove the argument names from the relative...


Hi team, I am learning Pinlayout about how it works. I am having multiple elements in the table cell and can dynamically be added or removed. Right now I have...

The autoSizeThatFits calculation does not include the's padding.

Hi. I use FlexLayout a lot and it's really good. I've now experimented some with PinLayout and ran into some issues which I don't yet quite understand. The scenario is...


Hi, Can you provide methods chaining in Objective C as it is available in Swift.


Hi, It works on watchOS? Thanks.

hi Luc, Thanks for working on such a great framework. It's hard to find a layout framework that doesn't use auto layout these days. I was testing your frameworks and...

Hello, I have UIButton setuped with image only And I set it height, and want that width will calculates its aspect ratio with image size How can I do it,...

My objective is trying to create a Pinlayout xcframeworks that can be reused across different swift versions, so that I do not need to rebuild whenever there is a newer...