D. Leatti (Forbannet)

Results 6 comments of D. Leatti (Forbannet)

One issue that I have is that if my user submits *{ background-color: red; } my whole sites becomes red, they can sort of "exploit" and make "ugly" content and...

> Make sure to read https://github.com/markedjs/marked#usage. EasyMDE does **not** sanitize the markdown by default. > > Options like [DOMPurify](https://github.com/cure53/DOMPurify) can be used with the `renderingConfig.sanitizerFunction` option. Look [here](https://github.com/Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor#options-example) for an...

Rust is the name of the game where this repository is aimed towards. I am a Rust developer and I play Rust the game. Let's say you want to have...


Well, seems that it was my mistake (or not). Depending on the load I prefer to use ```struct``` over ```class```, or even now we can do for symmetry ```record struct```...

This is a highly theoretical pseudo DDoS that can be caused if you directly allow gigantic strings to be pressed against the database and ran in the query. DDoS is...