D. Leatti (Forbannet)

Results 5 issues of D. Leatti (Forbannet)

Hi, do you plan to add any feature under subsystem? at least an echo service? to act as a honeypot or similar functionality? Cheers, loved it so far


![wpcap](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34219623/209001524-5e489f31-4dea-41d1-8764-5b68c41b722e.png) Hey guys, wouldn't it be cool to embed wpcap on installation so it can be a little bit more 'mainstream'? Testing the software now, thanks


cl /nologo /Zi /MT /Gm- /W4 /WX /Od /I..\..\include /Fdobj.X86\vc.pdb /Foobj.X86\ /c trcapi.cpp trcapi.cpp I:\ZZZ\Detours-4.0.1\samples\traceapi\_win32.cpp(4323): error C2065: 'GetThreadLocale': undeclared identifier I:\ZZZ\Detours-4.0.1\samples\traceapi\_win32.cpp(7050): error C2065: 'SetThreadLocale': undeclared identifier NMAKE : fatal error...


Are you planning to add support for Official Silkroad RU? They use a pretty old version of Silkroad and the servers are quite enjoyable. (ru.4game.com)


Hi guys. sqlite-net works like a charm for me, yet, on FTS5 Tables I cannot select the data, the query is valid and works elsewhere. I couldn't find anything related...