Hi Kristoffer, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a `--shortname` option for isONclust to output the read name with “the read id only” instead of the...
Hi Kristoffer, I understand that each cluster generated by isONclust represents all reads that came from the same gene. However, I was looking for a de novo tool/method that could...
Hello! I have an issue with the isONcorrect installation and would appreciate your advice. Last November, I installed isONcorrect using conda (and created the isoncorrect env) by following your README...
Hi Heng, I use the `-x ava-ont` option in minimap2 to get all-vs-all overlaps of ONT RNA-seq reads. I also output the matching minimizers’ positions in each read for a...
Hello! I have cDNA and direct RNA Nanopore reads which contain poly-A/poly-T sequences and adapters/barcodes. A friend suggested me to use pychopper to remove those poly-A/poly-T sequences and adapters/barcodes. I...
Hi Geo, In my BAM file, there is a certain number of spliced read alignments which do not have the XS tag. My understanding is StringTie will ignore those spliced...
Hello! I was reading the PBSIM readme page and have a question regarding the following description: ``` To run model-based simulation: pbsim --data-type CLR --depth 20 --model_qc data/model_qc_clr sample/sample.fasta In...
**System information**. - OS Platform and Distribution: Linux. - TensorFlow version: Keras/tensorflow version 2.8.0. - Python version: Python 3.7 - GPU model and memory: Use CPU (no GPU). **Describe the...