Hi Kristoffer, Thank you so much for your advice! I really appreciate it. I will give it a try then. Thank you very much again!
Hi Kristoffer, I tried a dataset with 450 ONT reads. This dataset contains a query read (let’s call it read-1) and its matched reads (449 matched reads). These matched reads...
Hi Kristoffer, Thank you so much for your detailed explanation and advice! I will run pychopper to remove the poly-A and the barcodes then. I saw that you used `...
Thank you so much Kristoffer! I just wanted to confirm one thing with you: since `w` cannot be smaller than `k`, the definition of `w` in isONclust is a bit...
Hi Kristoffer, Currently this small dataset (450 reads) took ~10 seconds to complete running isONclust by using 85 cores in parallel, which is fast. I have 800,000 this kind of...
Thank you so much Kristoffer! I tried ` --t 1`, and it indeed took only 1.16 seconds for ` --mapped_threshold 1.0 --aligned_threshold 0.7 --k 10 --w 11`, and took 1.54...
Hi Kristoffer, Thank you so much for your detailed explanation and suggestion! One thing I noticed is that 85 cores were only used at the beginning; later on just 3-4...
Hi Kristoffer, Thank you so much for your advice! I removed the isoncorrect env and then reinstalled isONcorrect. Now isONcorrect works fine! I have another question about isONcorrect and would...
Hi Kristoffer, Thank you so much for your explanations! Just to confirm, for Q1, when you say “the answer is no”, you mean isONcorrect does not perform any error correction...
Hello! I look forward to hearing from you. And I would greatly appreciate your advice and suggestion. Thank you very much!