In order to protect you sensitive data, objects should be encrypted at rest. Up until now, we provided SSE-C i.e data is encrypted by the server using an encryption key...
Uploading files to a S3 bucket typically requires a backend that acts as an intermediary and calls our S3 compatible API PutObject. However, you may want a frontend application to...
As an OVHcloud customer using both HighPerf S3 & Standard S3 I want a unique endpoint for both storage classes so that it simplifies a lot the configuration management of...
OVH current offers for objectstorage, especially the highperf one, are intended to be accessible over S3-compatible API (and they are). Yet aren't these new "S3" offers based, at least for...
/!\ j'ai créé cette branche il y a un moment déjà (jai oublié de créer une PR, désolé :( ), donc elle a pas mal de commits en retards par...
As an OVHcloud customer using S3 Object Storage I want the Asynchronous replication feature to support retro-active replication so that objects created before the application of replication configuration can be...
As an OVHcloud customer using S3 Object Storage I want the Asynchronous replication feature to support SSE-C and SSE-S3 so that objects encrypted with SSE-C (customer provided key) and/or objects...
update region urls table