
Results 24 issues of Larry

Hi, I'm on a MacBook Pro 13,2 and I'm wondering what the process would be for adding sensors to the list/where to find the four character codes used. Is there...

Hi, I am receiving the error as follows: ``` INFO[0264] Deleting message 8xxxxx from channel 8xxxxxxxx DEBU[0264] DELETE DEBU[0264] Server returned status Bad Request FATA[0264] Error deleting message: Bad...


Hi, Thank you for this repository. I've been having a bit of trouble getting this set up, though I believe I have all the components in the right place, the...

Hi, I'm using a MacBook Air 2013 13" and the V5 patch indicates it is successful but no change can be seen. The resolution cannot be set high. However, under...

Hi I noticed that the Snapdrop for Android app is working, but only with single files. The computer is using Mac Chrome. If I try to select multiple files in...

Hi, I'm attempting to connect a MacBook Pro to an iPhone on LTE over Tailscale. Has anyone attempted to use this application over a VPN or mobile data before? What...

Hi, I have successfully gotten two machines to link up using SonoBus, from Windows 10 on a VM to macOS. I set both buffers to ~2 seconds and SonoBus shows...

Hi, When I use WiFi to connect to another computer from an iPhone, the audio is transferred correctly; However, when I attempt to use a Tailscale VPN to connect to...

Hi all, I am attempting to troubleshoot a problem with the iOS app where attempting to connect to a SonoBus group over Tailscale on LTE causes the app to crash...

It appears that the Now Playing song does not update properly in the app. It will capture the song once when the app is started, but changing the song appears...