Vijay Lakhujani
Vijay Lakhujani
Unfortunately that does not help even though I installed hdf5 ``` (pysenic) bioinfo@bioinfo-pc:~/Downloads/pySCENIC$ conda list # packages in environment at /home/bioinfo/miniconda2/envs/pysenic: # # Name Version Build Channel arboreto 0.1.5 pypi_0...
@ckandoth Just wanted to see if this has been fixed already.
This is how my bed file looks ``` 1 69090 70008 OR4F5 1 621095 622034 OR4F16 1 861321 861393 SAMD11 ```
[@mmterpstra ]( Interestingly, the above command returns nothing.
This time I got some errors: ``` perl -wne 'my @bed =;my $i = 0; map {s/(?>\x0D\x0A?|[\x0A-\x0C\x85\x{2028}\x{2029}])//;chomp ;warn "Invalid line !!!${_}!!! at $i " if(not(m/.+\t[0-9]{1,}\t[0-9]{1,}\t[A-Za-z0-9]{1,}.+/gs)); $i++}(@bed);' Target_annotated_intervals.bed Invalid line !!!6...
Sorry, I did not get you. How to I edit the BED file such that it works. What is wrong with the BED. Can you please elaborate ?
Hello Geo! Glad to hear that. It's good that we are coming across such scenarios and I am happy that the project is on constant development. Taking it on a...