
Results 137 comments of laike9m



Thanks @MatthieuDartiailh for pointing me to this issue. I'm also interested in having a way to get offset easily, cause right now I have to [iterate over Bytecode]( to calculate...

@MatthieuDartiailh By "new offsets" you mean the offset after modifying Bytecode or ConcreteBytecode right? I would suggest not bother doing it, it feels hacky and may have problems? I can...

@sh78 Still not working for me, no matter how many times I tried. BTW I was installing on a new computer this time.

@Granitosaurus That is good to hear, thank you. I have one concern though: you don't have pypi ownership, which means you cannot publish new versions under the name `pyppeteer`. It...

@victorjzsun is supposed to improve this, and can provide more context

Hi Alex, thanks for your feedback. I always expect your input since you're the expert in this area. > now it doesn't even work any more I noticed that... >...

I see what you mean. The decision of supporting VS Code not web is more of a technical decision. For tracing to be useful, it's necessary to show source code...