
Results 137 comments of laike9m

额,如果我没理解错,`('', 54320)` 是 socket 的一边,`('', 60442)` 是另一边对吧,那端口为什么会一样?


哦,我想起来了,是的,因为是两个不同的 socket

那时候我还不知道RFC是啥,大体上是按这篇文章(Peer-to-Peer Communication Across Network Address Translators来实现的.

Using something like curses? It may adds more complexity so I'll think over it.

That's a good point. I'll take your advice, thanks.

Thanks @aluttik, I'll take a look.

I'm not against adding the paging logic to `__repr__`, as long as we do it nicely, and take care of every use case. I'm not quite sure what you mean...

I see. As the first step, we can verify if things work by creating a program and overriding `__dir__`. If it works, we can then migrate the implementation to pdir2....

I don't have a strong preference on implementation, as long as they work across all [supported REPLs](, or at least don't break existing functionality when not compatible.