L. Papa

Results 6 issues of L. Papa

Hello, Can someone please explain to me how this test should behave: https://github.com/laertispappas/devise/commit/598da9ac86f7c76ea5a9e0963f4109540d6374c3 As is now if you call `save or update` method on the resource that is being authenticated...

I was wondering if you are open to extend this extension in order to support personalized content from different recommendation engines? I would like to give it a shot and...

## Expected Behavior The error that is being raised is super misleading when the address is already binded to another process. Ideally we should get something like ``` : Address...

Hello, I would like to kindly ask for a quick feedback on the following. I see on the following line that we report the queue latency and sizes: https://github.com/phstc/sidekiq-statsd/blob/master/lib/sidekiq/statsd/server_middleware.rb#L66 which...

Extract identity, build id and client information from bridge to Ruby scope. NOTE: It would be great if we could pass the rust `xConfig` object directly but it looks like...

Hello, I was writing an [article](https://medium.com/@laertis.pappas/decoupling-responsibilities-with-pedestal-like-interceptors-in-ruby-part-1-theory-and-background-9f12e83e5cb0) for pedestal [interceptors](http://pedestal.io/reference/interceptors). After a discussion with a colleague of mine he suggested me this gem being similar and I was thinking why `on_leave`...