L. Papa

Results 11 comments of L. Papa

You need to provide the options into your component: ```js // app.component.ts export class AppComponent { public options = { position: ["bottom", "left"], timeOut: 5000, lastOnBottom: true } } ```

I was thinking to open a similar issue. What I have in my mind is replicating AWS lex framework and turn slack ruby bot into a similar framework. I like...

What is the status on this one?

How about adding a config flag for now in order to control the built in command invocation and refactor the tightly coupled components on a later time?

Hi @michaeljguarino I would like to contribute a small PR on my side and I think this specific feature looks like a good first issue to start with and get...

@floydback You will definitely need a unique key if your business needs the user to vote only once. You should add a database constraint + rails validations of course and...

@floydback I am not sure I do understand you. At the time being as far as I know and based on the migration template no constraint is added. I think...

@floydback Agree with you but this depends on the application. Maybe there are applications that do need to have multiple votes (although I can't find a use case). +1 for...

hi @sw-yx any updates on this one? Mainly I would be interested in having the Chart repository which as is now I use a forked version on gh-pages but I...