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Code for journal paper "Learning Dual Semantic Relations with Graph Attention for Image-Text Matching", TCSVT, 2020.

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您好,请问在model.py的ImageEncoder中,foward()内的这两句代码是什么意思? features_top = features_orig[-1] features = features_top.view(features_top.size(0), features_top.size(1), -1).transpose(2, 1) # b, 49, 2048

您好,我想问一下代码中提到的pre-computed image features包含哪些内容呢?它和SCAN提供的bottom-up features有什么不同吗?

I wonder Where are you building the code about regional/global/textual features graph,Thanks a lot. .

你好,请问图像全局特征怎么提取的,直接用resnet代码和模型 就可么?能分享一下提取的全局特征么,先谢谢了

Hello, I would like to consult "sims_f.npy". Is it trained by you and can only be used for your model or can I use rerank on other models to use...

作者可以透漏一下这个实验训练测试中所需要的内存吗?还有来自VLP巨大的region feature和之前SCAN中用的pre-comp feature有什么不同,只是单纯的框数量增到100吗?我看网络流程图中检测regions是用fasterRCNN,我以为是和前人一样用的BUTD的pre-comp,实际上是用的VLP的100框对吗?这个对于效果影响大吗?可以换回之前的pre-comp吗?因为我实验环境内存有限。🤦‍♂️允悲

https://github.com/kywen1119/DSRAN/blob/630d9dc19fe47c5bd32d3b21bd934aead4b1b87b/vocab.py#L121 为什么这里是300,之前的大多设为4,occurrence高于300的词很少吧

Hello, I would like to ask whether the "images" under the "data" folder store the ".jpg" file. I downloaded the "data" path you gave and put it in the "images"....

Computing results... Test: [0/40] Le 62.6173 (62.6172) Time 21.456 (0.000) Test: [10/40] Le 60.1161 (61.4845) Time 0.555 (0.000) Test: [20/40] Le 60.0993 (61.2988) Time 0.562 (0.000) Test: [30/40] Le 63.2631...

因为一个图片对应的是五个caption,所以测试的是1K TEST 5折交叉验证用的是多少size的数据集, 5K TEST又用的是多少size的数据集? 在evalrank()函数中,有 for i in range(5): print(i) img_emb_new = img_embs[i * 5000 : int(i * 5000 + img_embs.size(0)/5):5] cap_emb_new = cap_embs[i * 5000 : int(i *...