Tomasz Witke
Tomasz Witke
Referring to #498 - I know this is crap - You just made android 8.0 to work, and now somebody need something which is not even released, but I need...
Hi, I'm trying to understand overrides You've made to android-x86 project to get OS work in TV mode. I don't understand the purpose of all the stuff in common folder...
Is it known issue? How can I fix that? Thanks.
In description we read: "Simple, FTDI-chip based USB2DMX cables can be made working with this component through a UDP proxy implemented in C." How can I run this? I have...
- Updated to work with Redmine 4.2.3.stable - Fix compatibility with other plugins
Hi, what is the chapes SoC that I can use to run it? Anso what is the lowest price dev board to start exploring possibilities
I like the idea behind this project. Sounds like a nice alternative to Snapcast, but last update is from 3y ago.
Hi, Is it normal that in automatic mode the clock speeds are way above the detected demand? If I manually change the speed step on first tab even to the...
## Description Trying to run from Snappy Ubuntu Core using `sudo snap install retroarch` ### Expected behavior RetroArch starts imidietly and works ### Actual behavior Don't start. Manually doing sudo...
Is there a way to use some round display with this project?