YoungWoo kim

Results 9 comments of YoungWoo kim

It is incomprehensible that the plan comes out differently under the same data, the same statistical information, and the same index creation. Do you have different instance configurations or servers?

Please check after adding the following in the pg_hba.conf file. vi pg_hba.conf #IPv4 local connections: host all all md5 The postgresql.conf file also needs to modify the parameters below....

Hi!. You can download and check the operator's manual on the following Bitnine website. If what you want is not mentioned, please let us know. Thanks a lot.

Can you tell me the AgensGraph version information? #agens -Version If you also tell us the search_path information, we will check it. sampledb=# show search_path;

We hope that the article below will help you. create index idx_student_gin1 on ks_graph.student using gin ((properties->>'name') gin_trgm_ops); analyze test_graph.student; explain select * from test_graph.student a where>>'name' like '%john%';...

To use PostgreSql RDBMS data in graph DB, you need to convert it into JSON type data. The conversion process is not difficult. You can check the manual at the...

You may also refer to the link below.

It is not necessary to convert all data into agensgraph, i.e. graph data. Some are in the graph area, some are in the relational table, and as long as there...

The same content was mentioned in issue 430. Please refer.