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How to create gin index with gin_trgm_ops?
I met some problem about property index.
I want to create gin index with gin_trgm_ops. Then I got a error message: ERROR: operator class "gin_trgm_ops" does not accept data type jsonb
create index:
CREATE PROPERTY INDEX zk_trgm_3_index ON term_zk USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops)
How should I solve it?
Thank you very much!
if I create a gin index with no ops for property
Using match query does not hit the index.
I wonder that how to use the gin index?
explain match (n:term_zk) where = 'Immunization' return n
Workers Planned: 2
-> Parallel Seq Scan on term_zk n (cost=0.00..38506.10 rows=2621 width=32)
" Filter: (properties.'name'::text = '""Immunization for feline leukemia""'::jsonb)"
create table term_zk
id graphid default graphid(graph_labid('agens.term_zk'::cstring),
nextval('agens.term_zk_id_seq'::regclass)) not null
constraint term_zk_pkey
primary key,
properties jsonb default jsonb_build_object() not null
inherits (ag_vertex);
comment on table term_zk is 'base table for graph label agens.term_zk';
alter table term_zk
owner to postgres;
create index zk_trgm_gin_index
on term_zk using gin ((properties.'name'::text));
Newbie alert - I hope it helps. This works but supports indexing of @> operator only. Is this indexing sufficient for you needs?
CREATE property INDEX idxginp ON term_zk USING GIN (name jsonb_path_ops);
We hope that the article below will help you.
create index idx_student_gin1 on ks_graph.student using gin ((properties->>'name') gin_trgm_ops); analyze test_graph.student; explain select * from test_graph.student a where>>'name' like '%john%';
Bitmap Heap Scan on student a (cost=4776.03..4791.85 rows=4 width=740) Recheck Cond: ((properties ->> 'name'::text) ~~ '%john%'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_student_gin1 (cost=0.00..4776.03 rows=4 width=0) Index Cond: ((properties ->> 'name'::text) ~~ '%john%'::text) (4 rows)
We hope that the article below will help you.
create index idx_student_gin1 on ks_graph.student using gin ((properties->>'name') gin_trgm_ops); analyze test_graph.student; explain select * from test_graph.student a where>>'name' like '%john%';
Bitmap Heap Scan on student a (cost=4776.03..4791.85 rows=4 width=740) Recheck Cond: ((properties ->> 'name'::text) ~~ '%john%'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_student_gin1 (cost=0.00..4776.03 rows=4 width=0) Index Cond: ((properties ->> 'name'::text) ~~ '%john%'::text) (4 rows)
Hi @kysmou . Thank you for reply.
They way only work for normal pg query.
If I use cypher query will not hit this index.
Newbie alert - I hope it helps. This works but supports indexing of @> operator only. Is this indexing sufficient for you needs?
CREATE property INDEX idxginp ON term_zk USING GIN (name jsonb_path_ops);
Hi. It's sorry for late to reply you.
It seen my expected is different from gin_trgm_ops