Kevin Patel

Results 14 comments of Kevin Patel

I have faced the same error, but I was testing cartesian pose goals using moveit motion planning tutorials. Issue: - Cartesian solution worked fine with only Rviz (demo.launch) - But,...

In order to avoid or hide the warning message on terminal, follow this [#1125]( or [#467](

Thanks for your response, 1) /cmd_vel topic is there, bit nothing is published on it. ``` $rostopic list /camera/parameter_descriptions /camera/parameter_updates /camera/rgb/camera_info /camera/rgb/image_raw /camera/rgb/image_raw/compressed /camera/rgb/image_raw/compressed/parameter_descriptions /camera/rgb/image_raw/compressed/parameter_updates /camera/rgb/image_raw/compressedDepth /camera/rgb/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions /camera/rgb/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_updates /camera/rgb/image_raw/theora /camera/rgb/image_raw/theora/parameter_descriptions...

Yes, /frontiers and /filtered_points are not published. And because of that the code get stuck at [line 61 while loop in]( Is it running fine at your end?

After running `roslaunch ros_autonomous_slam autonomous_explorer.launch` It receives two warnings about global_costmap and local_costmap as shown below output. It also printed `Waiting for the map` and then `the map and global...

I just checked [ObstacleFree]( function in global_rrt_detector.cpp is giving some erroneous output other than 1 and -1. (same for local_rrt_detector.cpp)

Can you please share your update on this issue?

@rodrigoaantunes nope, not yet

I am also facing the same error on ROS Melodic

At least after some debugging, godel packages are now building without any errors (still few warnings are there) on my system (ROS Melodic). I'll try to list out few changes/resolutions...