Kishore Chitrapu
Kishore Chitrapu
### Requirements #### Same as production 1. Infra 1. OS: upgrades, rollbacks 2. Storage types (block, fs, s3) 3. Network config (ntp, dns, fw rules, ports) 2. Packages 1. Versions...
Minimize clicks to get to "my proofing page". Current page lists many items. Searching for my work items is increasing in complexity with the active proofing works count. Couple...
Probably the most important and urgent feature for newbies is auto-save on the proofreading page.
## Purpose To Improve the workflow for proofreaders, show where they are in the text and what they accomplished. ## Suggestion The idea is similar to the current page level...
## Purpose Say user wants to change text marked with _error_ to _unclear_. Today, user needs to manually remove _error_ and add _unclear_. ## Desired A toggle button on markers...