Kürşat Yurt
Kürşat Yurt
Will be solved in https://github.com/precice/tutorials/pull/244
> What is our strategy to explain to users how to reproduce their setup with ASTE? Do we want to do this in this tutorial as well, in another tutorial,...
There are some tricks possible to add the `
Hi, @lucaabergo is there any update? This sound interesting as I am currently working on morphing camber simulations.
@tbellosta may you have a contact with @lucaabergo? If he has no time, I can pull the implementation to the current version. Some fork/branch as you directed me for the...
I don't see any halo node check in the adapter. The halo vertices are also included when setting the mesh [see](https://github.com/precice/su2-adapter/blob/ab843878c1d43302a4f0c66e25dcb364b7787478/adapter_files/precice.cpp#L242-L244) You need a check as follows before adding that...
Maybe some user experience is useful here. From my experience with CAMRAD-TAU coupling, and what I see from other multibody dynamics cases. CSM side only has one rank, i.e. no...
> @kursatyurt Thanks for the input! > > I am not sure if collocation points are the best example here. The data should be space-independent. What you describe sounds a...
It looks more complicated than I initially assumed. Without Reynolds's number change, Mach's number change does not make sense. For me, at the moment, it is not worth investing some...
Maybe just a note for the future: A promising algorithm/paper/implementation is [Cornerstone](https://github.com/sekelle/cornerstone-octree) Even though not rigorously tested, I ported [a single node version]( https://github.com/sekelle/octree-miniapp)of it to Kokkos, which performed similarly...