Boris 'B' Kurktchiev

Results 15 comments of Boris 'B' Kurktchiev

Install the plugin. Go to settings page and there are two URLS one for the CSS as you point out and one for the theme.js file. By default they both...

Interestingly enough if i use the credentials from which is linked to i am able to at least get only the devices I have enabled in wink. So...

did this ever get pushed out? it would totally solve my escape nightmare of aliases right now lol

while you are thinking about this, it could also be said that it would be nice to have an option to target a specific window other than the current window...

> Log management changed in macos. A specific support need to be implemented. so are we going to see support for this and if not could we disable it in...

@ThaDaVos did you ever get this working? I would like to do something like this myself as `tree` is pretty limited

did you by chance find any other way to integrate `nnn` as a file manager within `tmux` i am rolling down this path atm trying to get going with this.

for what its worth i found which mostly works and extends this plugin to behave a bit better. It seems to have been abandoned so I am looking to...

It would, yes, but it doesnt give me the flexibility as I may want to use specific zstyle's for specific hosts, which in my daily work tends to happen a...

So i connect to a ton of airgapped boxes in which case I use my laptop as the source of truth, which holds all my configs/etc. Since switching to `z4h`...