Kunal Ghosh
Kunal Ghosh
Hi ! The model defined on [Slide #18](https://github.com/PGM-Lab/probabilisticAI_tutorials/blob/master/Day2/slides-L2.pdf) and in the [Jupyter notebook](https://github.com/PGM-Lab/probabilisticAI_tutorials/blob/master/Day2/students_simple_model.ipynb) are different can you'll please clarify ? Particularly, in the slide it seems to me that the...
Hi Renaun, I was using your example to learn interfacing Chrome extensions to Arduino sketches and made a bunch of changes to update the extension to work with the latest...
Implement apply_permutation as in `gpytorch.utils.permutation.apply_permutation` and remove the dependency on PyTorch and GPyTorch from the pivoted Cholesky module see https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc-experimental/pull/63