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Events Plugin for WordPress and BuddyPress
Hi there, I'm trying to load the plugin where the /events url is already in use... is there any easy way to edit the custom post type name from events...
I run Eventpress with Buddypress 1.2.9 on a Wordpress 3.2.1 installation and for whatever reason, the list of registrations at the bottom of the event page in admin only...
I hated the fact that all my events were defaulting to having gravatars as their image. Even more so because I had selected mysteryman as my default avatar type. Anyway,...
I can create events under buddy press and wordpress and even seen them on the event calendar. However, when i try to display the event by viewing it, I get...
- Styling for calendar widget - Upcoming events widget - Better date handling for events widget
@kunalb , a while ago I posted a bug in BP forum saying the activity posts got lost in its event activity but appear in site activity. Today I found...
For i18n and URL used same value from array $labels models/events.php 215 'name' => __( 'Events' , 'eventpress' ), If string 'Event' translated to russian - plugin page is not...
Files placed in child themes are not picked up by EventPress.
Modify bpcp/themes/tags.php, edit lines 156-162, setting $object to be correct for the gravatar default.