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This PR is to fix [jubatus:issue#596](https://github.com/jubatus/jubatus/issues/596) this PR is WIP.
fix [#640](https://github.com/jubatus/jubatus/issues/640) It needs large refactoring. Construction of `driver::foo_bar` must take argument `driver::foo_bar_config` only. It helps reconstruction of `driver` object and clarify the dependency of `json::config` library.
In my environment, `cap production sidekiq:start` dies immediately. The capistrano's boot up sidekiq via below command. ``` $ sidekiq --index 0 --pidfile /opt/my_application/shared/tmp/pids/sidekiq-0.pid --environment production --logfile /opt/my_application/shared/log/sidekiq.log --config /opt/my_application/current/config/sidekiq.yml -r...
Just fixed. without this fix, that sample code alerted as ``` NameError: undefined local variable or method `events' for main:Object ````