Results 4 comments of Hiroki KUMAZAKI

https://gist.github.com/kumagi/99b20d12cf1d5c5b27a7b5793fb51798 I could not find the corresponding option to use bundler. Please let me teach.

From `Gemfile.lock` I found capistrano-bundler ``` capistrano (3.8.2) airbrussh (>= 1.0.0) i18n rake (>= 10.0.0) sshkit (>= 1.9.0) capistrano-bundler (1.2.0) capistrano (~> 3.1) sshkit (~> 1.2) ```

I finally resolved. Adding below configuration in my `deploy/production.rb` ```set :bundle_bins, %w{gem rake rails sidekiq}``` It works well for me. How about writing it in README.md?