
Results 7 issues of kuloud

**请描述你的问题(Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.)** 添加推理执行性能数据(耗时、CPU占比、内存占用、应用内存大小) **请描述你的解决方案(Describe the solution you'd like)** 添加Dokit性能统计类,当指定统计指标时,开启统计服务,供给性能结果 **其他信息(Additional context)** N/A


**请描述你的问题(Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.)** N/A **请描述你的解决方案(Describe the solution you'd like)** 1 Add gpu support for TensorFlow Lite 2 Add simplify API for create AoeClient...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** N/A **Describe the solution you'd like** 更新首页信息 1 增加版本说明 2 简化说明文案 **Describe alternatives you've considered** N/A **Additional context** N/A


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** N/A **Describe the solution you'd like** AoE 对第三方推理框架的依赖,会进行统一版本管理,依赖信息提供文档介绍。 **Describe alternatives you've considered** N/A **Additional context** N/A


AoE 希望能提供一套有效的 AI 赋能工具支撑体系,帮助简化 AI 落地应用的各个环节,提供对主流终端推理框架支持和各种便利的工具。 对此大家对本项目有任何疑问、建议,希望能提出来,帮助项目更好发展,让更多开发者受益。:)


### Request Statement When request for ServerSendEvent stream on TargetPlatform: Web, it response with a UnsupportedError: RawSocket constructor ```dart Stream requestForServerSendEventStream(String url, Map request, {required void Function(CancelData cancelData) onCancel}) {...

s: feature
p: dio
e: PR welcomed

### What happened? The CSP restricted inline-style is configured on some web pages, causing injectAnchor to be executed abnormally on the csui.ts, and the CSUI style does not take effect:...
