Hey, @BeroBurny thank you for submitting this PR. Can you make sure that `Near Snap` follows these criteria: https://github.com/near/wallet-selector/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#listing-criteria-for-third-party-wallet-on-wallet-selector Could you please explain how to use this wallet: how do...
Hey, @BeroBurny. I will share my experience with `Near Snap` and I also have some questions. For a user it is very unclear what is happening under the hood when...
Hey, @danforbes I have noticed two potential issues and I am unable to use this Wallet (snap) - When `Metamask` is installed then this error shows up, and the wallet...
Hey, @branfts near-api-js is just a peerDependency dApps can use any version equal or higher than ^v0.44.2. Are you having trouble installing the latest version with npm? Eventually we will...
@branfts thank you for your feedback, we tend to use `yarn` in our project(s) and haven't encountered this issue. We will discuss this internally and see if we should update...
Currently in the Wallet Selector when we call `setupWalletSelector` the network can be set in two ways: One by providing only a network id either `testnet` or `mainnet` by doing...
>+1 - the ability to swap between testnet/mainnet as needed is pretty key within our app. @jessupjn I would like to know how did you handle switching networks in your...
The `modal-ui-js` has not been aligned yet!
Hey, @Calcifer1001 thank you for submitting this PR. Can you please change the base branch from `main` to `dev` branch? Decided to close the old PR in favor of this...
Hey, @ethernian thank you for raising this issue. At the moment there's no standard/NEP for Meta Transactions in NEAR. The work on a NEP for this has already started and...