Konrad `ktoso` Malawski

Results 259 issues of Konrad `ktoso` Malawski

Some of the final run results from running `sbt:benches> jmh:runMain scala.future.BenchRunner -p impl=stdlib,improved -p threads=1 -p completed=pre,post -i 30 -wi 15 -f 1 -t 1 .*` cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ...

Archive this repository and direct to apple/swift-distributed-tracing. @slashmo

This is a final before-stable sanity check that we're able to express all kinds of tracers, we may use a slightly different name for things, but the span should be...


While it's debatable if nanoseconds make sense in distributed traces... (a few nanos here or there are not likely going to lead you down to "aha this is the slow...


Today we offer: ` self.startSpan(named: , context: , ofKind: , at: )`, and `span.end(at: )`. Note the optional `Timestamp` in start span, it really should be not optional I guess....


Do we have reasons to keep status other than that we assumed OTel will have it? Since it seems it is being removed: https://github.com/open-telemetry/oteps/pull/134 Remove Span.Status #134 This is a...


It's quite common to want to quickly wrap some code in a span for debugging, like: ```swift let work = tracer.withSpan(name: "collecting work") { // collect work // do things...


We can consider `tracer.withSpan { ... }` APIs for fluent synchronous usage so calling end is less annoying. --- > its good to know there is an error but I...

t: convenience

Is recording should be: > IsRecording > > Returns true if this Span is recording information like events with the AddEvent operation, attributes using SetAttributes, status with SetStatus, etc. >...

0 - new

Opening this ticket after some feedback at a meetup. We should discuss the various ways of error / failure handling, this is separate to actually making supervision a good one...

1 - triaged
help wanted