Kohei Tokunaga

Results 137 comments of Kohei Tokunaga

@qi0523 So you're implementing your own registry API, right? Does that API fully implements OCI Distribution Spec? For successful lazy pulling, it needs to implement HTTP Range Request for blobs...

@qi0523 The error logs look truncated. Could you copy them and post here as text?

@qi0523 > http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client The error message says the `server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client`. So could you configure stargz snapshotter (/etc/containerd-stargz-grpc/config.toml) to...

@qi0523 > Another question is that when we use stargz-snaphotter, layer.tar doesn't exist in directory /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.content.v1.content/blobs/sha256. This is because of lazy pulling. containerd doesn't pull layer blobs but stargz-snapshotter lazily...

Thanks for trying it! Wasm images [are built on BuildKit](https://github.com/ktock/container2wasm/blob/8810336a4008ca145278c504a0cb3177440b17b9/Dockerfile) so the BuildKit's cache (e.g. per Dockerifle instruction) is enabled by default. Finer cache system is expected but we don't...

Posted by @tonistiigi at https://github.com/docker/buildx/pull/2006#pullrequestreview-1672830646 > * Follow-up. `--on=error` on a container error gets me in the container but there is no context of what happened, what was the last...