Kohei Tokunaga

Results 137 comments of Kohei Tokunaga

> chain multiple long builds So far I haven't encountered this kind of problems for Dockerfile debugging but if we want to handle this case (e.g. for non-Dockerfile sources?), then...

@bodgit Thanks for reporting this. Snapshots are automatically cleaned up when the image is removed. You can also manually remove images (using `ctr image rm`) and snapshots (using `ctr snapshot...

@bodgit Thanks for the info. > 34G /var/lib/containerd-stargz-grpc/snapshotter/snapshots What does consume the large space under this directory? Are there many snapshot dirs or is there a large snapshot dir (or...

Thanks for finding the root cause and the workaround. That directory should be handled by containerd (or cri plugin) so I think we need to fix containerd for completely fixing...

CI failure doesn't seem to related to testify upgrade. https://github.com/containerd/containerd/actions/runs/8151890861/job/22281325704?pr=9916#step:2:1 ``` exit 1 shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0} Error: Process completed with exit code 1. ``` https://github.com/containerd/containerd/actions/runs/8151890861/job/22280545177?pr=9916#step:9:385 ``` === Failed ===...