Kusti Skytén
Kusti Skytén
I'm able to read XMP metadata with ```python pdf = PdfReader('example.pdf') metadata = pdf.Root.Metadata # {'/Length': '503', '/Subtype': '/XML', '/Type': '/Metadata'} xmp = metadata.stream ``` but I haven't quite figured...
I couldn't find documentation for any APIs of Polar. I'm looking for APIs for exporting all annotations for a specific file, generate new annotations and flashcards, and for bulk importing...
The Remarkable tablet is a popular e-reader with quite an active hacker community: https://github.com/reHackable/awesome-reMarkable. It would be really nice to be able to sync annotations both ways as long as...
Thanks for making tmsu, it's really neat. IIt would be really nice to be able to mount specific queries instead of having to go through the fixed structure of the...
The is a draft for adding arbitrary simulators [here](https://github.com/cscherrer/Soss.jl/blob/abc/src/simulation.jl). Would it be possible to just treat everything on the right hand side of a tilde as implementing a `rand` method...
Ingesting data from the [IterableTables](https://github.com/queryverse/IterableTables.jl) interface would open a whole host of data sources from various Julia packages,
Currently Soss bundles many dependencies in to make the full analysis convenient. Maybe it is possible to separate the compiler into a separate lightweight package that other packages can use...
Distributions.jl is not very flexible with respect to argument types. Implementing custom types, which are basically just wrappers for the arguments would allow more flexibility. For example, the following abuse...
You [mentioned](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/mcmc-landscape/25654/40) having a toy implementation for RHMC. Is the code available somewhere? I would like to experiment with it using [higher order AD for matrix expressions](http://www.matrixcalculus.org/matrixcalculus.pdf).
I would like to get the `k` nearest points that are not the querying points when using the same data for building the tree and querying it. Is it possible...