Results 16 comments of Kevin Hawkins

Workgroup postponed consideration of this issue until we can get clarification from Michelle.

When we return to this, we should think about whether we want to say anything about [IIIF]( as an alternative method for handling the linking between encoded text and page...

During BPTL call on 2017-04-03, I agreed to ask Chris Powell for an example of integration with METS and @stefaniegehrke for an example of integration with IIIF. Elli also agreed...

I still haven't had a chance to pick this up, but I'll note that we might find this discussion of IIIF helpful:;205cb507.1706

I've just realized that the BPTL already links to a sample METS document, so we don't need that. I've also found a TEI document hosted at Indiana that goes with...

Syd has regenerated the output. Here's my proposed message to send to TEI-L, to be sent as a reply to the latest message on the topic: > I'm glad to...

During today's call, we agreed that Elli would review my proposed message, possibly consulting with colleagues who know IIIF, before I send.

Message sent:;d7d87822.1708

During BPTL call on 2017-08-28, we considered [what Elli learned from the IIIF meet at DH2017]( and what I learned from an off-list response to his message to TEI-L. After...