Best-Practices-for-TEI-in-Libraries copied to clipboard
pb@xml:id and METS
The sentence ...
Use the @xml:id attribute on each <pb> element and a METS document to provide correspondence between <pb> elements and one or more facsimile page images (e.g., master, web derivatives, etc.).
... isn't very clear. Is the value of each pb@xml:id also included somewhere in the METS document? If so, where exactly?
We might ask Michelle Dalmau at Indiana: I think the ideas for this came from her institution.
I can clarify, but I am not sure if we want to even keep this section anymore. We should discuss over Skype.
Workgroup postponed consideration of this issue until we can get clarification from Michelle.
When we return to this, we should think about whether we want to say anything about IIIF as an alternative method for handling the linking between encoded text and page images.
During BPTL call on 2017-04-03, I agreed to ask Chris Powell for an example of integration with METS and @stefaniegehrke for an example of integration with IIIF. Elli also agreed to ask a colleague who knows IIIF.
I still haven't had a chance to pick this up, but I'll note that we might find this discussion of IIIF helpful:;205cb507.1706
I've just realized that the BPTL already links to a sample METS document, so we don't need that. I've also found a TEI document hosted at Indiana that goes with that METS document, allowing me to revise the sentence in the original ticket to clarify how the linking works (see )
So what's left is figuring out what to say about IIIF. Given the recent discussion on TEI-L, I think it would just be better for me to put a call out to ask for someone to volunteer to add some discussion of TEI in that section. I think at least one of the participants in that discussion would be willing to step forward.
However, I'd like @sydb to first regenerate first so that people can refer to the latest output (with my change above).
Syd has regenerated the output. Here's my proposed message to send to TEI-L, to be sent as a reply to the latest message on the topic:
I'm glad to see so much interest in IIIF, which as various people have noted, is gaining significant traction in the cultural heritage community. As some of you are no doubt aware, a workgroup within the SIG on Libraries has been working to update Best Practices for TEI in Libraries, which discusses, among other things, methods for linking between a TEI document and page images (see the latest snapshot of the discussion of this topic). We would very much appreciate if someone who knows both TEI and IIIF could offer a brief explanation for the best method to reference page images accessible through a IIIF API that could be incorporated that section of the document. A couple of approaches have been offered in this discussion, but we're unclear on the implications of chosing one over another. You are welcome to send me suggested prose by email, or you fork our repository and submit a pull request.
You'll be recognized in our list of contributors and, more importantly, receive the gratitude of librarians around the world!
During today's call, we agreed that Elli would review my proposed message, possibly consulting with colleagues who know IIIF, before I send.
The proposed message is fine. we could clarify that we are interested in linking to whole images, and not zones on an image.
reference page images accessible through a IIIF API
could be
reference whole page images accessible through a IIIF API
Otherwise, go ahead and send!
Message sent:;d7d87822.1708
During BPTL call on 2017-08-28, we considered what Elli learned from the IIIF meet at DH2017 and what I learned from an off-list response to his message to TEI-L. After some discussion, we decided that I would simply add some prose to this section of the BPTL to say that IIIF is an alternative technology worth considering but whose relation to TEI encoding is not well established. Once that's done, I'll add the "dormant" milestone to this issue so that we can return to it in a future revision of the BPTL.
On addressing use of IIIF, see .