Results 130 comments of Kristoffer

Thanks for the report! Seems that you right, I will fix this asap. As you note, this is a python3 issue so you can always install BESST in a python2...

Hi Ray, Looks like all contigs are filtered out due to highly variable coverage (or unstable algorithm in BESST to infer the mode of such distribution). To fix this, simply...

Sure, that might be a good idea to try! Let me know how it goes.

Hi, Can you post the full error output here. Also, can you attach the Statistics.txt file generated by BESST? Either here or by email. Thanks!

It seems that you have specified some non default options (such as -T and -k). Can you: 1. Provide the command line options that you ran BESST with here. 2....

Oh, ok! At this point, the only way I can see this bug happen is if the contigs accessions in the fasta file does not match the accessions of contigs...

I'm afraid not. It seems that in order for this to happen, the list `lengths` [on this line]( is empty. To my knowledge this is caused by something degenerate in...

Thanks for reporting! I've seen a similar bug in that module and I thought I had fixed it.. What version are you running? Could you attach the statistics.txt file generated...

Sorry for the slow answer, the bug seems non-trivial to track given the info I have now. Would it be possible for you to add the line: `print(mu, sigma, r,...

Hi Sebastien & Giles, Can you please try the latest commit on master of BESST? It requires a newer version of mathstats (0.2.5). pip will detect this dependency automatically and...