Results 130 comments of Kristoffer

Great, thanks for reporting back. Yes, that sounds reasonable - will do.

I googled "line 16: 93427 Illegal instruction: 4 medaka tools list_models" and I found this issue and this The first issue is even for medaka through NGSpeciesID. Perhaps...

Hi @gabyrech, Looks like you get several large clusters from the clustering step, so the `--mapped_threshold` and `--aligned_threshold` are not the problem ( `--min_shared 40` is pretty high though, but...

Let me know how it goes, as my answer might not tackle the cause of the problem.

Okay, I see! What's the rough error rate of your reads? We do have [IsoCon]( for a similar purpose if the reads have a relatively low error rate (say

Hi @atks, It looks like you don't have permission to run `sudo`. Is there a reason why you can't run `pip install NGSpeciesID` as specified in the instructions? That is,...

Hmm, looking a bit closer at the error message, it looks like you already have parasail installed. specifically the lines ``` Collecting parasail==1.1.11 Using cached parasail-1.1.11.tar.gz (46 kB) Requirement already...

Tricky. I guess there is some version conflict with parasail from another environment. What I can suggest is that you completely remove the `NGSpeciesID` environment with: ``` conda deactivate NGSpeciesID...

Hi @LunavdL, The algorithm should be deterministic. If there is some randomness caused in the code I should fix it. However, the variability in output may be caused by something...

Depends on how large the dataset is. From the output, it looks like the dataset is too large to send gzipped over email. Perhaps if you have google drive you...