
Results 18 comments of krzysdz

@asbjornu There's also PR #3730, which could add `http/2` support for express and maybe it will be merged.

Virtual files such as `/proc/meminfo` don't have a known size and `stat` syscall returns size 0 for them.

@Shinrai that's not completely true. With `git config commit.gpgsign true` or `git config --global commit.gpgsign true` on Windows with [Gpg4win]( (not sure about Linux and macOS) after clicking "Commit" button...

Node.js 19.0 has updated V8 version, which had [changed]( `JSON.parse` error messages. Relevant Node.js commit: nodejs/node@71c193e5817d01254a177997c7eb4e61221a260c

Template engine support in Express requires dynamic module resolution, which doesn't play nicely with Webpack. You can find more details about your problem and possible solutions in webpack/webpack#1576. Probably...

[`@types/express`]( package is provided by the [DefinitelyTyped]( project. The problem with error handling in Express is known and looks like the only way to fix it is by manually specifying...

@VitorhugoBatista there already is an `ErrorRequestHandler` type in `@types/express`: 1. [declaration in `@types/express`]( extending the declaration from `@types/express-serve-static-core` 2. [declaration in `@types/express-serve-static-core`]( this type is a better version of the...

> unless there is an action which does more than that one (like spam detection with ai or something) Not sure about AI spam detection, but almost all of these...

Maybe a [pull reqest template]( would make some people think before creating a PR? On the other hand, it doesn't look like those who spam with pull requests will even...

> How can we join the triage team?