Piotr Krzemiński

Results 127 comments of Piotr Krzemiński

See https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl/blob/1832f83159d5b4896e313610312e342dbba8525a/.github/workflows/Integration%20tests%20-%20type-safe%20expressions.yaml#L26 Shouldn't it be something like ``` run: echo ${{ env.GREETING }} ${{ env.FIRST_NAME }} ``` ? (I didn't run it, just the nested dollar sign seems suspicious.)

> Actually `Contexts.env` should be removed to prevent this error https://github.com/krzema12/github-actions-kotlin-dsl/blob/main/library/src/main/kotlin/it/krzeminski/githubactions/dsl/expressions/Contexts.kt#L16 But then the documented usage will be broken right?

Let me adjust the test :point_up:, and as far as I understand, we'd need a change in the lib to fix the `{{ [env/secrets].FOO_BAR }}` usage right?

Not a problem, we're still 0.x :) It's more important to have it done right.

@jmfayard yeah, I realize all of this, it's just my conscious tradeoff to focus on more important stuff. Would you like to contribute by fixing the issue you mentioned?

WIP: https://github.com/krzema12/github-workflows-kt/tree/get-commit-for-branch

FYI, it's an incoming feature in Renovate Bot: https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/issues/16662. Once it's added there, I won't push towards having support for it in Dependabot since personally I'm moving to Renovate.

I've found a workaround: first set the top-level key to any string value (not object), and then proceed with setting your nested value(s): ``` sops --set '["some-key"] "irrelevant-value-it-will-be-overridden-with-the-below-command"' secrets.yml sops...

Experimenting with a much simpler approach, WIP on https://github.com/typesafegithub/github-workflows-kt/tree/136-allow-putting-Kotlin-logic-in-lambda