Alfred Moreno
Alfred Moreno
@aowzone I'm looking into it. A bit busy today but it appears this may be part of some recent changes they've made recently.
@zivilars777 same problem, yup! I've been recording my fav shows on XM the past couple of years so this is definitely getting fixed! Hope to have something up tonight 😬
@zivilars777 @aowzone Please check my branch out. It's got the fix. I added a station to my recording config just to make sure it works (recorded for a few seconds)....
@afreeman28 are you running python 3?
> @kryptek - python 3 was the issue, I was able to get it working. > > > > I am however getting stuck on the way the script reads...
@afreeman28 check my branch out now and let me know if that works for you. Won't have much more time until later tonight.
> amazing work! > > > > Anyone been able to capture "on demand" programs (audio and video) with this? Would love to go back and catch a show I...
> I am having the same issue as above. I have tried -l and --list with no luck. Any suggestions? You need to pull down the latest version of my...
> @kryptek I'm using your fork. Question about the episode recording. Should it stop/split between episodes? I'm using it to download from the Jason Ellis Channel, intent is to archive...
> Heres the output from logging out the marker for the episode > > > > ``` > > mgorman@gormblade ~/sites/SiriusXM $ head output.log > > 19.May 2020 10:06:39 :...