SiriusXM copied to clipboard
Error parsing json response for all channels
18.Jul 2020 09:51:28 : Error parsing json response for channels 18.Jul 2020 09:51:28 : No channel for 9402 - - [18/Jul/2020 09:51:28] "GET /9402.m3u8 HTTP/1.1" 500 -
I have tried numerous with the same result. Seems to have broken sometime over the last 7 days.
@aowzone I'm looking into it. A bit busy today but it appears this may be part of some recent changes they've made recently.
I think this is the same problem so I won't open another thread – when trying to record Underground Garage shows, I recently (since a few days) get the error:
Error parsing jsonresponse for channels Episodes list seems borked... will retry..
Thanks a lot for your efforts, kryptek, I'm really, really grateful for your script and I am praying it will work again after modification. Doesn't hurry, take the time you need. Thanks!!!
@zivilars777 same problem, yup! I've been recording my fav shows on XM the past couple of years so this is definitely getting fixed! Hope to have something up tonight 😬
Perfect, kryptek – I really need this script in my life and I am so glad that you'll fix it. Thanks so much again!
@zivilars777 @aowzone Please check my branch out. It's got the fix. I added a station to my recording config just to make sure it works (recorded for a few seconds). Let me know if you have any other issues. This code base is really poor and I plan on rewriting all this stuff in my own repo soon. This should get us by until then!
Just tried running this, and I'm seeing this issue:
File "", line 588 f"\033[0;4;32mDumping music to: {args.output_directory}\033[0m" ^
@afreeman28 are you running python 3?
@kryptek: For me, it works – thanks! Would be awesome if you find the time in the future for an even better rewrite, of course, but for now I can record my favourite Underground Garage shows again. You rule!
@kryptek - python 3 was the issue, I was able to get it working.
I am however getting stuck on the way the script reads from the config.json file. I am trying to autostart a simple HLS server using the script on system boot with systemctl. It appears that the script looks for the config.json file based on relative path which it can't find, based on myExecStart=/usr/bin/python3
path in the unit.service file.
I could use some help getting the script to point to an absolute path of the config file, or if there is a way to not even use the config.json (since i'm not recording).
@kryptek - python 3 was the issue, I was able to get it working.
I am however getting stuck on the way the script reads from the config.json file. I am trying to autostart a simple HLS server using the script on system boot with systemctl. It appears that the script looks for the config.json file based on relative path which it can't find, based on my
path in the unit.service file.I could use some help getting the script to point to an absolute path of the config file, or if there is a way to not even use the config.json (since i'm not recording).
Ahhh.. alright; let me take a look; should have a fix for you shortly
@afreeman28 check my branch out now and let me know if that works for you. Won't have much more time until later tonight.
amazing work!
Anyone been able to capture "on demand" programs (audio and video) with this? Would love to go back and catch a show I missed that's up on demand!
amazing work!
Anyone been able to capture "on demand" programs (audio and video) with this? Would love to go back and catch a show I missed that's up on demand!
I can look into that for you; example of a show that's video? I've only ever listened to music on XM
Many channels have video on demand and some live shows on demand.
@kryptek, thanks for the help. Modifying the script to allow for optional config.json did the trick.
I was having another issue prior to utilizing your new branch, which was the streams would time out after a few hours and I would see 'session time out' errors. not sure if there is anything that could be done about that.
Thank you for fixing!
I am having the same issue as above. I have tried -l and --list with no luck. Any suggestions?
I am having the same issue as above. I have tried -l and --list with no luck. Any suggestions?
You need to pull down the latest version of my branch. It works.