Tobias Pape

Results 32 issues of Tobias Pape

(Thanks for this project) It could be beneficial to, after rescaling images, also push them through [ImageOptim]( (if on a Mac) or [similar "recompressors"]( (The nice thing about ImageOptim is,...


It is gone since PyPy 4.0.1 (Nov 2015)

`(define-contract-struct node (val left right))` results in [this]( Running the tests results in a [different, but smiliar failure]( Both times, a lookup in one of the first arguments to the...

Not having the right racket version can be a show stopper.


currenrtly, the following is `#f` when Racket says `#t` ``` Racket #lang racket/base (define-values (struct:mcons mcons mpair? mcons-ref mcons-set!) (make-struct-type 'mcons #f 2 0 #f null (make-inspector) ;inspector #f '()...


This is probably tricky for `rsre_core`. I don't know what a proper stub would be. (see krono/pycket-bench#7)

necessary for `cheapconcurrency` and `chameneos` of the shootout benches #83


Currently, there is duplication between `prims/` and the `equal` methods of all `W_Object`s. One should go and use the other.

Apparently the doc was contributed some time ago and is live ( but not referenced in the toc for networking (
